By catlady - 01/03/2009 20:36 - United States

Today, my cat was in the bathroom when I was undressing to get into the shower. I realized that he was the only male to have seen me naked in the past two months. Then he started scratching the door for me to let him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 636
You deserved it 9 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Upload naked photos of yourself to the internet? j/k Just be glad it's only two months I say! A girl hasn't seen me naked since... years. T_T **** my life. :-P

Oh my god, it's a cat. Cats always do that.


musicalmandi16 0

That's a complete coincidence. Don't stress.

Upload naked photos of yourself to the internet? j/k Just be glad it's only two months I say! A girl hasn't seen me naked since... years. T_T **** my life. :-P

Macromartyr 3

I wanted to see who else would say it. 2 months isn't that long. And all it means is you pretty much explode next time xD

joeyl2008 29

Yeah two months isn't long unless you are in a relationshipor a *****

Oh hon, every woman has moments like this.

Oh my god, it's a cat. Cats always do that.

This is hilarious. At least it's only been 2 months!

failedpost 0

2 months? Try 2 years and 2 months for me.

Two months? I'm sorry, babe, but thats no big deal The only way I've seen a naked woman in the past two months was through pictures.

Hah, that happened to my ex a couple times; but the cat usually liked to stay in there with her.

I'm a guy with two female cats, and they are the only ladies to see me naked in the last two months. Double **** my life.

carriealana 0

It'd be worse if your cat acted like it was turned on or somethin'. Just sayin'.