By MrCanoe - 01/03/2009 21:58 - Canada

Today, my mom had my girlfriend and me over. Out of the blue, she pulled out my grandmother's wedding ring and gave it to me saying I can now propose. My girlfriend started screaming and said yes. I have been seeing someone else for 3 months and was going to break up with my girlfriend tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 130 215
You deserved it 300 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bitchinstopshere 0

dude, seriously, why would you stay with her if you were dating a girl on the side. At least you culda dumped her for the girl you were seeing on the side, especially if it wasn't like they would know each other or something. Your a damn idiot is what you are.

Succubus_Maid 0

Oh, you poor guy. I know it's karma, but that is just way worse, your mom proposing to some girl you don't even like. My condolences.

**** your girlfriend's life, not yours! Douche.

Your mom was WAY out of line there, so screw her first and foremost. But way to go by pussyfooting around and not breaking up with your girlfriend earlier. Fail.

Wow. You're an asshole for cheating on her for 3 months first, but your mother was also WAY out of line. She can't make your decisions for you about marriage. Unless you had spoken about it before and given her the okay, that's a HUGE no-no. She could give you the ring and suggest proposing if she thinks it's appropriate, but absolutely not while your girlfriend is there, because it gives you no chance to say "no".

BEB131 0

LOL i cant wait to hear her FML... "Today, my fiance told me he had been seeing someone else for three months and had never meant to propose" lol

xoxnicole318 0

And you brought her around your family, while you were cheating? What a catch!

LOL @ #3. Well said. Well you're pretty screwed. Lol. I agree with the karma thing though. Looks like there's some justice after all =D