By levi Glasscock - 15/04/2011 13:52 - United States

Today, my mom called me and said, "I made your sister laugh so hard she peed her pants." I got home and noticed she also peed on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 128
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifiFaLL 1

lolololololol id be super pissed if i found my sisters piss stain on my bed. id pull a scary movie 2 and shove her face in it


jenaandtyler4eva 0

just clean the bed sheets and move on or are you 5 and think it's a big deal

It is kind of a big deal because it's unlikely that the OP has plastic sheets so his/her mattress probably smells of piss now. It's harder to clean a mattress than the sheets but both get wet in these instances.

this is not the first time I have read this.

datboycam18 0
FMLsOhilarious 6

That's gross but suck it up and go wash the sheets. They aren't going to wash themselves. Or you could have your sister wash them since she's the one who peed on them.

you should see what my sister who has'nt nappy trained yet did to my bed I'll just say it was messy

Iceing11234 0

holy hell that's so sirous laughing