By levi Glasscock - 15/04/2011 13:52 - United States

Today, my mom called me and said, "I made your sister laugh so hard she peed her pants." I got home and noticed she also peed on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 128
You deserved it 2 982

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifiFaLL 1

lolololololol id be super pissed if i found my sisters piss stain on my bed. id pull a scary movie 2 and shove her face in it


It was probably also your pants. They don't seem to like you.

Pee on your sister's bed while she's still in it wearing your pants?

Yeah that's great, what was so funny? That's what I want to know.

Just wash the damn sheets, not that big of a deal. .____.;

TheDrifter 23

Except for the sopping wet stinking of urine mattress part that new sheets doesn't fix right?

That's what Borax is for ;D /two little brothers

Jmo247 1

I'd say get even and piss on both of them while they are laying in their own beds

Jrefinne 7

Why was your sister laying in your bed while talking to your mom? Sounds like she was marking her territory.

mintcar 9

Sterol? As in lipid? What? sgghgfdzzAfhjg

TalkinSmack 6