By rashree - 13/02/2010 01:34 - United States

Today, my long-distance boyfriend told me that he was going to pee on me to "mark his territory." When I told him that it was disgusting, he said, "last time, I just peed on you in the shower." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 714
You deserved it 3 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3- People aren't saying its dirty to pee in the shower, just that its gross to pee on your gf in the shower.

Badboy6 5

hahaa funny.. lol but nasty u got a weirdo bf


whats so dirty about peeing in the shower

sharpl916 0

Yeah! save waters by peeing while you shower! Convinient!

3- People aren't saying its dirty to pee in the shower, just that its gross to pee on your gf in the shower.

Time to move on... unless you're into that sort of thing I guess ???

pathtoprevail 0
original_angie 0
AngelsOnTheStars_fml_fml 0

Sounds like he's into golden showers and just trying to ease you into the idea. Assuming you're not, based on your reaction, now's a good time to tell him to **** off and find someone else to pee on.

Linka_fml 0

I had a bf like that once, do what I did, /break up with him/. ROFL. No seriously.

You can't fight fire with fire, but you CAN fight piss with piss.

purplemnm 9

if I was a dog and were a flower, I'd lift up my leg and give you a shower :D