Marking territory

By Anonymous - 02/01/2020 20:00 - United States - Grand Rapids

Today, while on a picnic with my boyfriend, he got a little drunk. All of a sudden, he got up, pulled his pants down and pissed all over me. His excuse? "Just marking my territory." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 739
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

If this is something he does when he's "a little drunk", I don't want to imagine what he's capable of when he gets wasted.


I'm assuming that you're not into golden showers?

HootyHoops1300 11

Are you two curries or something?

Ambrily 27

If this is something he does when he's "a little drunk", I don't want to imagine what he's capable of when he gets wasted.

Sady_Ct 37

I think you meant to say now ex boyfriend.

I'm sorry, but the fact you live in Grand Rapids just made me laugh even harder. what the hell was he thinking. and I'm surprised you let him continue before kicking his legs out from.under him lol

manb91gb 15

Hopefully he got a little dumped too! Alcohol just reveals what's actually under the surface.

HokieJ 10

He was showering you with his love!