By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 00:06 - United States - Marysville

Today, my little sister asked me to open a jar of pickles for her. I struggled a little until the lid busted open, and pickle juice poured over my pocket and the iPhone inside. My sister then sniffed the jar, made a disgusted face, and ran out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 851
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, got yourself into a bit of a pickle there, didn't you?!

Ahhhh, the love of a younger sibling.


Just a tip for guys that have struggled with jars that I, a girl, finally had to open: You put the jar down at a table, take a knife or something like it and lurk it between the lid and glass. You do this till you hear a sound indicating that the glass have let air in. You then open it easily.

That lid really screwed you, huh? :P Your phone wanted the dill ;)

Atleast your iPhone can be a delicious snack if your ever to get hungry!

I know how little siblings are! If your iPhone isn't working try putting it in a bowl of white rice. At least you were nice enough to open it for her!

infamousbassist 9

No good deed goes unpunished.

kingaling 4

another sign that the iPhone sucks!! lol


If it weren't for those meddling kids...

Why is it, people buy $600 smartphones on subsidy for much less than they cost, but will not spend the fee to get them insured? Once again, someone else complains about something they should know better about. If you buy a $600 smartphone for $300, pay the $7/month in insurance, and you will still be ahead on the price of the phone after 2 years. This isn't hard to figure out.

No one said his phone wasn't insured, this would still be an FML if it was.

I know it sounds crazy but put it in a bowl of raw rice. the rice will absorb all the water out. I once dropped my phone in a pool! I put it in a bowl of rice for 24 hours and BAME! good as new :)