Good initiative

By cough - 27/12/2019 14:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I was choking on an apple and asked my sister to get me some water. She got some. Then drank it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 742
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can breathe and talk, you're not choking.

julfunky 29

You were talking (so obviously you could breathe). You were able to wait until she grabbed the drink then came back. Clearly you were fine enough to get the damn water yourself. Are your legs broken? You were nowhere near “choking.” Don’t be dramatic.


oh just wait till next time to terurn the favor and don't forget it entirely possible to perform the heimlich on yourself

you posted this FML so your still alive no harm done

If you can breathe and talk, you're not choking.

julfunky 29

You were talking (so obviously you could breathe). You were able to wait until she grabbed the drink then came back. Clearly you were fine enough to get the damn water yourself. Are your legs broken? You were nowhere near “choking.” Don’t be dramatic.

If you were able to talk then you could have gotten it yourself. It’s not choking if you can speak.