By bowler99 - 12/01/2015 16:43 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my little brother walked in on me and my girlfriend having sex and threatened to tell my parents. I paid him $30 to keep quiet. 15 minutes later he told them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 265
You deserved it 15 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, only one option left. Go smack him around until you get your money back.

you have to remember, OP, that you cannot trust little siblings even if you pay them. They get the money and get you in trouble. It's a win-win for the little bugger's. Sorry, but YDI.


Well, only one option left. Go smack him around until you get your money back.

bluebluhblou 15

the moral of this story is that if you kiss and don't tell, your brother will tell.

I think the real moral of this story is that locks are a magical thing, and little siblings are in the business of snapping necks and cashing checks and don't give a damn about their bad reputation.

#1 make sure you have dirt on him, #2 standard payment for not ratting out an older sibling is not getting beat up. stop being a pussy. YDI.

littleteapot 21

The doors in my house are easily unlocked with a butter knife, credit card, penny, or pretty much anything. Maybe OP's locks suck like mine. On a side note, if you do have to beat your money out of him... used a rolled up phone book. No bruises! Another side note, don't beat your little brother.

Astrum14 24

Or maybe there's no locks at all. Lots of older houses don't have locks on the door. I had to install one myself in the last place I lived. And if they're renting, they might not be able to do that, depending on the person you're renting from.

He deserved it for having sex in a place where his little brother would walk in. It's none of my business what a person's sex life is like, but they should be more careful or not complain when they get caught.

I second 91. Just pawn his PlayStation.

I agree with 118. If you're still living with your parents and have to sneak around to have sex, that's a sign you probably shouldn't be doing it.

iLike2Teabag 27

Or he's found a way to make $2 per minute without lifting a finger. Pretty smart if you ask me.

Mysterious_one 26

not so smart.. little brother could have made more money out of it

107: if he were in it for the money, I don't think he would have told! That takes away any future chances of blackmail or bribes.

you have to remember, OP, that you cannot trust little siblings even if you pay them. They get the money and get you in trouble. It's a win-win for the little bugger's. Sorry, but YDI.

Siblings are supposed to have each others backs not snitch on eachother

"Nicole and Joe were naked upstairs"! Remember that one.

linkinpark98 23

That still won't cover up the fact that the guy's parents now know their son has been having sex in their house while his younger sibling was on loose. But hey, money is money!

"You want your damn thirty dollars back? I want my kidney back!" -John Locke

man_in_black08 28

It kinda makes me imagine if the concept of bribing came about from something like this in history.

Next time make sure there won't be any interruptions.

Invest $30 into a lock or something to block your door, not in a little sibling.

I hope you got your hush money back OP.