By wtf bro - 20/05/2015 08:45 - Australia - Canberra

Today, my brother babysat for me. He invited his girlfriend around without me knowing, and they were all playing hide and seek together. While he and his girl were hiding, they decided to have a quickie. My three year old found them and saw everything. She won't stop copying their sex noises. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 192
You deserved it 3 634

Same thing different taste

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Just make sure the kid does not get any strange ideas for what the hide and seek rules are in the future, kindergarten might get wierd.


That special place ain't special anymore. Or secretive, in that matter.

Just make sure the kid does not get any strange ideas for what the hide and seek rules are in the future, kindergarten might get wierd.

i'm sorry OP, but i'm not sure that your brother is suitable for babysitting your kid. it seems he can't even have some self-control in front of a child for a few hours

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sonasonic 34

Watching Frozen won't magically heal the mental scars of a 3-year-old child.....

#54, it will however get them to stop making sex noises.

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You must not be allowed to be within 1000 ft of pig farms if that's what you think having sex sounds like.

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MikaykayUnicorn 36

Your comment wasn't funny though... why would we laugh?

I have seen alot of comments from you and none of them were funny.

Oh wow! I would be furious. That can mentally scar a child. I wouldn't want my child around that. I'm sad this has happened to your child.

It won't scar a child if you don't make a huge deal out of it in front of the child.

It can trigger curiosity, obviously. And that's how the "playing doctor" starts and next thing you know another child is involved. It can actually cause some problems. We have problems with my nephew because his mother didn't know how to be more careful with the kids home and he is really inappropriate at times. So I would be furious and keeping an eye on my child and explaining things in an age-appropriate manner as best I could.

At 3 years old most kids won't take anything much from it other than the obvious imitation of noises. Don't make a big deal out of it (in their presence) and the chances of it affecting a 3 year old are pretty slim.

It's a very crucial part in their development, both physically and mentally. Ever heard the expression "Children's minds are like a sponge"?

All I'm saying is that it CAN scar children. Doesn't mean it will in this particular instance, and it was nothing terribly traumatizing, however it could been worse. I hear all the time about kids being put in this kinda of situations, (ie molestation) and they can't cope when they get older. All fun and games until someone loses their mind.

Hand him the bill for your child's therapy.