By Anonymous - 17/02/2016 04:04 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after assuring my best friend that his girlfriend would never cheat on him, I came home to my brother having loud sex with my best friend's girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 722
You deserved it 2 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, now your best friend has to have loud sex with your brother, too. It's the only real means of retribution.


I disagree. Call her cheating ass out, then you can break the news to the boyfriend.

Better pack your bags now before your best friend finds out

Well, now your best friend has to have loud sex with your brother, too. It's the only real means of retribution.

Retribution or the beginning of a beautiful love story? I've seen enough rom-coms to bet on the latter.

Tell your best friend because if you don' and he finds out you knew he'll never forgive you for not yelling him

I would continously condemn my brother for this... and his girlfriend for basically forever. That is seriously a dick move and telling your best friend right away would be the only way not to lose your best friend at this point. Good Luck OP.

This is so ****** up. I will never understand how people can do this to their SO. Being faithful seems so difficult. I hope you will tell your best friend because he doesn't deserve to be with someone like this