By bigryngf - 04/08/2009 22:12 - United States

Today, I was on my couch when my landlord walked in. He asked what I was doing there. I responded with the same question. Apparently my roommate forgot to call me and tell me that our lease ended three days ago. I am now standing in the parking lot with all my belongings, and it is raining. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 317
You deserved it 6 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how the FMLs are written.... doesn't mean that he is currently sitting outside in the rain right now. He is probably describing the situation when it happened. THINK!

Didn't you notice your roommate had moved out with all his stuff three days ago? And why is your landlord so uncompromising? He just made you move all your stuff out? Is your place in terrible condition or something? This is definitely a YDI.


How can you be on your computer when it's raining.

hes probably just exagerrating, well lieing when he says in carpark but still fYL indeed, and screw the heartless landlord for throwing you like that on the spot

americayay 0

More importantly, how did he have NO IDEA when his lease ended? That's just irresponsible renting and pretty deserved.

Eternity_fml 0

He probably has an iPhone or something and stealing someone's Wifi.

No, if he was in this situation, he wouldn't just up and leave to go post it on It's far more likely that this happened a while ago, and the OP only posted it today, but of course you MUST for some reason start all FMLs with the word "Today"

mattmalin11 0

OR he could have a blackberry or motoQ and be using the internet that goes through the cell phone towers. most phones get that now

sofad15 0

Landlord cannot just evict you, even if the lease ends. He/she will need to go through a court procedure to have you thrown out. So you could've stayed. Buy, YDI indeed for not knowing your lease terms.

#1 you fail. OP that sucks for you such nice friends you have. Make him pay for your hotel until you find somewhere new

y are u typing up FMLs in the parking lot? get ur shit together yo..

That's how the FMLs are written.... doesn't mean that he is currently sitting outside in the rain right now. He is probably describing the situation when it happened. THINK!

THANK YOU! I can't believe how stupid some people are.

philly8608 0

The problem is that the OP says "I am NOW standing..." (emphasis mine). You typically don't say now when you meant a few hours ago. However, common sense would suggest that the OP is just exaggerating about that or possibly using his/her phone.

Well, all FMLs have to start with "today," even if they didn't happen that day. It's not too much of a stretch to change the tense of the FML to *right now* even if it happened a while ago.

Wow that really sucks, I hope everything eventually works out! :)

Well, FYL for that happening, but YDI, also... that's why you don't rely 100% on other people. C'mon, step up a little... Keep an eye on that stuff... Though, FYL more than anything for douchey room mate.

Didn't you notice your roommate had moved out with all his stuff three days ago? And why is your landlord so uncompromising? He just made you move all your stuff out? Is your place in terrible condition or something? This is definitely a YDI.

I was wondering the same thing. Wouldn't all his roommates stuff be moved out... and wouldn't the OP get a little curious as to why?

kyasariin 0

Maybe you should put your phone or whatever away & get your stuff in the car, (:

Maddoctor 10

If all your roommate's belongings were outside as well, I'd hide them... just to show my appreciation towards their awesome sense of communication.

#13 YDI for not thinking the roommate removed their stuff earlier. stupid idiot. you're almost as horrible as the OP. i hope you choke on a cow **** and die

hey #17, only you suck bull ****, that's not normal, no matter what that farmer says. Also, I think there's a pretty good chance that the roommate didn't move out yet, otherwise the OP would have been tipped off to that fact that something was happening. Yeah, he might be a dumb ass who isn't bothered by half the furniture being gone. But maybe the roommate hasn't moved either or the OP owned most of the furniture and didn't even notice the roommate's toaster was gone. Instead of being a a douche to random people on the internet because you're a cowardly prick in the real world, why don't you work on getting the other half of your brain, since you're clearly missing at least that much.

...If the lease is over, they both have to leave. If the roommate knew the lease was over he probably did move out already.

Maddoctor 10

You know bloodthorn, I can't really deserve it if I'm not the one telling the FML. And I'm thinking if that's the way you talk to girls then a lot of them probably don't like you. And I was going for sarcastic humor to be honest, douchebag.