By WoWWidow - 02/09/2011 08:02 - United States

Today, my husband went in for surgery and handed me an important document. It wasn't a will or anything similar, but a list of items and gold he wanted passed on to guild members on World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 947
You deserved it 4 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's given you an important task, don't screw it up. The World, of Warcraft needs you!!


YDI for marrying that sick bastard. EVERYONE knows that rune scape is better!

chrisg2001 3

Am I on the list.. Hahaha. That's too funny.

its probably best he doesn't make it lol the world has enough priority-confused, lazy gamers, without him.. just sayin :P

191- beebow..really you just compared a game characters actions to an actual living breathing athlete. hah. perhaps gaming has begun to destroy your mind. your reality seems a lil cloudy lol

W.O.W. are u kidding mw2 and black ops are in now and hope he feels better.

That sounds like something I would do! Lol! Just because you play World of Warcraft doesn't mean you have no life. :P Sometimes Azeroth has more appeal than real life.

RinnyTop86 5

As the wife of a WOW nerd, I feel your pain!!!!