By WoWWidow - 02/09/2011 08:02 - United States

Today, my husband went in for surgery and handed me an important document. It wasn't a will or anything similar, but a list of items and gold he wanted passed on to guild members on World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 947
You deserved it 4 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's given you an important task, don't screw it up. The World, of Warcraft needs you!!


bitchslapped22 14

The guild comes before all others.

Yondeme 2
Brennaa69 5

Rather than bitching about people who play Warcraft and using the same old stereo type that they have no life.. Why don't we hope that the surgery goes well for OP & her husbands sake. Seems a bit more mature.

Autocorrect 0

Hahahahaha I'm laughing so hard I can't breeeeeathe

I'd do the same thing. My guild is extremely important to me.

I wish i was in his Guild. Oh and i wish your husband all the luck in the world