By moosemay - 14/01/2016 15:05 - Germany - Dittelbrunn

Today, my husband taught our son how to pee while standing. His aim is as poor as my husband's, but I guess now they can blame their mess on each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 551
You deserved it 1 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make them clean up their own messes together


I never understood people who have trouble with aim.

Cheerio's work! Throw some in the toilet so they have something to aim at

If he can't aim and get it in the toilet, did you let him aim and put it in you?

LittleRed79 39

At least once...they have a son.

She could have taken control and stuck it in for him, if his aim is that bad.

How about when they're out in public? Never mind toilets, some guys can't seem to get their aim right while using a urinal. I can attest to this since part of my job is cleaning the washrooms and nine times out of ten, there is a puddle of pee under the urinals.

Oh_bother44 11

I'm assuming the son is fairly young if he's being taught how to use the toilet, so I would imagine at least in the beginning aim would be tricky. Your husband, on the other hand, should know better.