By JustSom - 05/05/2015 02:03 - United States - Falls Church

Today, I finally got my 14-year-old son to aim while using the bathroom. If only I could get my husband to do the same. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 453
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psh that's an easy fix. Start making them clean it and after a few times they'll be able to aim through a cheereo

throw a cherrio in the toilet and impulse will make him want to hit it. it's how I got my little cousin to aim.


sonasonic 34

If someone half as young as him can aim, he should be ashamed of himself. He doesn't need a funnel, he needs some common sense. And potty training. Lots of it.

Maybe some potty training would be a good idea

If they can't do it just make them sit down and go that way.

throw a cherrio in the toilet and impulse will make him want to hit it. it's how I got my little cousin to aim.

ZombieVampirez 24

I was thinking that exact same thing. My mom did that for my brother. They have bullseye stickers now that you put in your toilet so guys can aim. Make it a game for them. Men love games

I read about an experiment they did in Switzerland where they took black light to a urinal line and figured some measurement of missed piss. they cleaned it then installed little porcelain flies in the backs and tested again, the aim increased by 95% lol

ZombieVampirez 24

I bet after seeing how gross it really gets. It's not just from men. Women miss too. Especially drunk people.

Psh that's an easy fix. Start making them clean it and after a few times they'll be able to aim through a cheereo

I actually might just try peeing through a cheerio.

I dont understand how some people have trouble with this,Pissing all over the bathroom is really nasty...

I could never understand why some guys are hopeless at urinating in the toilet: if you stand over the toilet rather than away from it then any drips naturally fall into the bowl rather than on the floor.

ZombieVampirez 24

If a guy sneezes while peeing it just becomes a hassle to keep it straight into the toilet. It goes everywhere.

Lol says you, I've mastered it and spent a few years pissing standing up now.

ZombieVampirez 24

Well I don't have a penis so I don't really have to worry about aiming.

Eyalsh 32

you can't sneeze while having a piss. your brain won't let it. your Brain says "STOP PISSING! WE'RE GOING TO SNEEZE NOW!" because your brain knows... you might blow your asshole out.

zanoty 17

Idk about you but I definitely can

It took 14 years for your son to learn to aim while taking a piss? I thought this was common knowledge...

And THAT surprises you? Not the fact that it took his father double as long and he still hasn't mastered it?