By moosemay - 14/01/2016 15:05 - Germany - Dittelbrunn

Today, my husband taught our son how to pee while standing. His aim is as poor as my husband's, but I guess now they can blame their mess on each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 551
You deserved it 1 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make them clean up their own messes together


Don't put up with it. You married a child, I wish you'd knew that before it happened. I seriously would leave my partner if the toilette was intentionally messy because it is too big of a hassle to be careful or clean after themselves. Imo how people leave the toilette behind tells you a lot about them. Not to mention he is disrespectful with his "I can piss all over because someone else will clean after me" attitude.