By Evra - 16/04/2015 05:04 - United States

Today, my husband came too soon during sex. He then tried to pretend it didn't happen and continued. He humped me with a half-erect noodle for about seven minutes before I finally called him out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 248
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Charles900 16

I'd give him an "A" for effort.


I don't know what "calling him out" entails, but I fully support telling him to knock it off if whatever he's doing isn't working for you.

That is when you keep his noodle from going al dente ;) Bella note!

why would you wait for 7 minutes to say anything??

Why are people lauding him? I can't even believe you let that go on for seven minutes.

at least he tried and he didn't want to stop just cos he'd finished. hope you weren't too harsh on him. also it means you were just that good ;-)

It's really hard to keep going for the male after ejaculation, there's a part of us I forgot what it's called that makes us relax and stop and don't want to keep going unlike the female who can have multiple ejaculations. Give him probs it's also really hard to keep going.

Aww poor guy.. Gotta love him for trying ??

I don't know your situation. But half erect isn't always bad my husband can get me off with a half Chubb. Just put it against your ******** and rub away. Try that next time. Hope it helps

The wife is supposed to squeeze forehead when he's about to come- that's how you treat premature ejaculation, not even kidding