By Anonymous - 16/04/2015 02:41 - Australia

Today, I got up feeling refreshed and positive for the first time in ages, so I happily threw my window open to greet the beautiful morning. A bee flew into my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 789
You deserved it 3 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A lot of people go about their days with a slight buzz on to take the edge off

Dreamsorrow93 24

You honestly should BEE more careful. If I was you, hive seen that coming. Yup, I'm not clever.


If you are the same guy who had the bee in your month, I feel extra sorry for you OP! Hope the bee didn't stung your eye :o FYL!

Dreamsorrow93 24

You honestly should BEE more careful. If I was you, hive seen that coming. Yup, I'm not clever.

A lot of people go about their days with a slight buzz on to take the edge off

Steffi3 40

Means your day can only get better!

CODplayer4lyfe 24

Unless another bee flies into OP's other eye.

That's alright, it's going to be a beautiful day still! Sorry about your eye

How is it that creatures can fly in so easily but can never seem to fly back out? Still, sorry about that OP. I hope you had a fabulous day.

I guess you couldn't catch my sarcasm :|

JustinJK 21

I totally digest food via my eye

#10, you clearly need to re-read the FML. It clearly states that the bee flew into OP's EYE!!!! Not OP's mouth. I'm pretty sure that you do not digest food in your EYE.

I once sat on a bee. But a bee in the eye would be 10 times worse!!