By Marona - 16/04/2015 07:59 - Croatia - Zagreb

Today, after a discussion, my boyfriend said, "I think it's time you found somebody better." After I gave him a look, he continued, "For me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 064
You deserved it 2 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's awful. He's no better than the next guy, you're better off without someone thinking like that.

He should've stopped after saying "I think it's time you found somebody better".


Mintsquirrel 14

that sucks, but you are better off

That's awful. He's no better than the next guy, you're better off without someone thinking like that.

If I was her I would have said "You know that new movie other people, yeah I think we should see it."

Time to find someone that appreciates you*

He never said they had to be human; OP should release a wild raccoon into his house and leave.

But that would be her saying that she's worse than a raccoon.

He should've stopped after saying "I think it's time you found somebody better".

''Baby I'm the best you ever had. Good luck finding someone else."

"I think it's time you find your way out the door.."