By Mrs. Ned - 09/09/2015 02:00 - United States - Incline Village

Today, I walked in on my husband having sex with the shower wall. When I got in the shower with him he immediately went soft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 912
You deserved it 3 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Goblin182 26

Get a thong made from ceramic tile, maybe that will turn him on.

Nothing like a blank boring wall to get your motor running. Sorry OP but maybe he "finished".


Nothing like a blank boring wall to get your motor running. Sorry OP but maybe he "finished".

FalloutScrolls 25

You startled the poor thing so bad it shriveled up!

Goblin182 26

Get a thong made from ceramic tile, maybe that will turn him on.

This is the first comment in a while that's actually made me LOL. I commend you sir.

He was probably embarrassed why don't you try something new with him if he's that desperate to bang the shower wall gl OP.