By outoflove - 30/06/2014 21:06 - United States - Rockport

Today, my husband came clean to having an affair with my sister. I later found out my other sister encouraged the affair because she thought they'd be a cute couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 760
You deserved it 4 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Betrayed by the people you are supposed to trust the most is just horrible.


Betrayed by the people you are supposed to trust the most is just horrible.

Especially your own family... A disloyal spouse can be replaced, but family is forever.

I define family as the people who loves you and nurtures your heart. Not some cold home-wrecking bitches who lies and stabs you in the back. If I were OP, I'd divorce the piece of shit husband, beat the crap out of the sisters, and never talk to any of them again. Some people just don't deserve to be a part of your life.

MzZombicidal 36

#30, it's still very heartbreaking to have a spouse betray you. If the person you're supposed to spend your life with is disloyal like that, it takes its toll. Same can be said for a family member. They're /family/ and for them to, not only encourage, but to partake in the affair... Just wow. /: I'm so sorry, OP. I do hope you can recover from this a stronger person. None of those people deserve you.

This FML is so sad and gut wrenching that I can't even think of a good pun.

I'm actually kind of curious on how the parents reacted to the way their daughters behaved. If they stood up for the two (insert bad word) or what.

Was she all like "I think your **** will look cute in my pussy."

incoherentrmblr 21

Talk about keeping it in the family...

i wouldn't be mad at my husband just divorce him. i would be angry at my sister's the most

CelticSkye 13

Karma is going to have a field day with these Bitches! Plus, no divorce judge will look kindly upon a man that cheated with your sister. I honestly am so disgusted at your sisters actions that I'm damn near speechless. First, it's disgusting that your sister woukd have an affair with your husband. But, I find it absolutely revolting that your other sister would encourage it. OP, I am so sorry that this has happened. You should have been able to find comfort, love, and support from your sisters, not betrayal.

You seem to have gotten some great sisters there.

meganlovestea 15

At least she has the option of divorcing the husband... she's pretty much stuck with the sisters

Not really, she can do what I did and just never talk to them again. Sometimes, that is the only option.

meganlovestea 15

That's true but depending on their family she might have to be around them at get togethers, family events and things like that. It's not always easy to completely shut them out.

Lil_Red777 21

It is very easy to shut them out actually.

Families are complicated, but also sometimes simple. Glad you had an easy time with your blood Lil_Red, but not everyone has it so. For example, you may still love and care about your parents, who in turn would be crushed to see you cutting ties with your siblings. So no, it's not always very easy actually.

Wow that's messed up, I feel sorry for you.

Wow when you think family memebers cannot do worse

I'm telling you, best reality show ever.

Shippers, man, what're you gonna do?

That's horrible! I'm so sorry OP your sisters sound messed up on so many levels.

And out of those three, your husband is the smallest level of asshole.

No, he's still the biggest asshole. A shit family is one thing...a husband who bangs your sister is on another level.

But a sister that bangs your husband is endgame.

I actually agree with 27. Siblings are stuck with eachother. Sometimes they mix well, sometimes they don't. A husband chose to spend the rest of his life with you. Sibling trust is the "Free" space on a bingo card; comes with the package. Spousal trust has been carefully selected, and in my opinion is worth more. Not to say that sibling relationships are meaningless, just that a soul mate betraying you is probably more painful.

Couldn't agree more 55. You can't choose your family, you don't make vows to them, you don't commit your life to them. Your spouse is your closest family, your next of kin. Not sure why FML readers are more angered by sisterly betrayal than spouse, maybe it's an age thing...

Unlucky1232 20

here's the thing the sisters are worse because you can't get rid of them. You forever have to live with the knowledge your related to them. At least the bastard came clean, doesn't change what he did but at least he had the guts to confess.

91hayek 31

I'm not even a girl with sisters and I feel a dull numbing depressing pain. Where do you go? What else do you have when your family is this hurtful?