By Phoebe - 18/07/2009 08:15 - Singapore

Today, my husband and I were in bed when the alarm on his phone went off. He then told me that he had to 'sound the horn' and went over to his laptop. Wondering what that meant, I peered over at his laptop. It turns out hunting for mice on Facebook is more important than procreating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 833
You deserved it 4 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

QUICK! Shave your bristle like hair, and file down your tusks! You're boaring! But Yea, thats odd he rather do that....

Dude, Mousehunt is awesome. At least my boyfriend understands that, and occasionally sounds the horn for me. :) If he's hunting for a map carrier, or the Acolyte, I totally can understand.


heavenandhell 0

not as "boaring" as your spelling hahahhahaha

heavenandhell 0


heavenandhell 0

you know i find people that care about spelling so much that they feel the need to post a correction on this site more annoying then when people express their happiness for being the first person to comment

Hich17 0
marxmarv 0

Proper English is like proper manners. People are going to stare and giggle at you until you get with the program.

bigbubba127 0
heavenandhell 0

you guys are too self centerd or stuipd to realise that not everyone's first language is english so go **** yourselves

heavenandhell 0

so i guess that staring and giggling is proper manners?? you sir ( marxmarv) are a hypocrite.

What's your number? I can help (with the procreating, that is, I quit Facebook an hour after I joined because I realized that I couldn't easily keep my wife and girlfriend separate.)

I know! I can't figure out which thing offended the trolls more (or which one they believed): that I'd go to Singapore for a booty call or that I have a wife AND a girlfriend?

Macromartyr 3

Capitalize the start of your sentences xD

QUICK! Shave your bristle like hair, and file down your tusks! You're boaring! But Yea, thats odd he rather do that....

aha ha yea that's pretty good actually...

Me neither :') Stupid facebook shit, I've never been to that site so I really don't get it.

Dude, Mousehunt is awesome. At least my boyfriend understands that, and occasionally sounds the horn for me. :) If he's hunting for a map carrier, or the Acolyte, I totally can understand.

I freaking love Mousehunt! Lol. But those Acolytes hate me.

The hydra with the blueprints hates me. I haven't even tried the Acolyte yet.

Can't beat a free game where you can win money.

ladycoyote 0

I love Mousehunt! I had an acolyte nibble this morning, but no catch. >:(

You are the kinds of people who shouldn't be procreating at all.

Sounds like something my boyfriend would do too..

how the hell do you hunt for mice on facebook? wtf