DGAF nursing

By Anonymous - 17/11/2021 17:00

Today, my patient was ready to tip over, so I called out for help, but the other nurse didn't even look up from her computer. A tech had to rush over from the end of the room. Is it bad that I wanted to tell the nurse she needs to effing retire? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 041
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lydmyers 9

No, it's not bad. Even with important paperwork to complete, the safety and comfort of the patient/resident/client ALWAYS comes first. Duty of care, fam.

one of the first things i was taught when training to be a caretaker is: if the patient is falling, let them fall! don't try to save them from the fall..


Yes, we can't lose nurses at this point in history. We even need the ones so into Fortnite they don't do their job.

Lydmyers 9

No, it's not bad. Even with important paperwork to complete, the safety and comfort of the patient/resident/client ALWAYS comes first. Duty of care, fam.

one of the first things i was taught when training to be a caretaker is: if the patient is falling, let them fall! don't try to save them from the fall..