By Irrationalwife - 31/03/2019 00:00

Today, my husband and I got into a fight about his pervert friend who regularly shows blatant disrespect for our marriage, including sending me inappropriate texts. Apparently this friend should have my full trust, and apparently I am the one with the issue for not excusing his bad behavior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 432
You deserved it 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

block his number and ignore him completely. you dont have to deal with sexual harassment and your husbands a dumbass for not caring how uncomfortable it makes you.

Does his name rhyme with Blonald Blump? Lot of guys in the MAGA crowd would gladly throw their wives under the Access Hollywood bus to appease the dark lord.


I am terrible with people but maybe your husband trusts you to not cheat on him and sees his friends shitty behavior as not enough to cut ties with?

It's not a matter of "will my wife cheat on me?" That's a selfish interpretation. If a man hears his wife complain that his friend is making her uncomfortable, his thoughts should be about how she's uncomfortable. It shouldn't stop with "my wife is uncomfortable with my friend's sexual texts. Will my wife cheat on me with my friend? No? Then sexually harassing her is a-ok with me."

Does his name rhyme with Blonald Blump? Lot of guys in the MAGA crowd would gladly throw their wives under the Access Hollywood bus to appease the dark lord.

block his number and ignore him completely. you dont have to deal with sexual harassment and your husbands a dumbass for not caring how uncomfortable it makes you.

That is true. You are being sexually harrassed and your husband is not standing up for you. What the actual ****!?

Get your husband to pose for dick pics and send them to the creep.

James Acosta 8

First off, she said inappropriate texts. not discusting ones, or sexual ones. Second, if she didn't like the guy doing those things, she would have blocked his number and banned him from the house. The problem is she is more attracted to the other guy. She uses "fighting" with her husband to hide her feelings for him. She said he blatantly disrespects thier marriage, but never said anything he says is lies or untrue.

Mungolikecandy 19

A wonderful rationale of victim blaming

James Acosta 8

let me guess you are a bleeding heart social media victim also. Stop pouring your hearts out online and wanting attention. Do something about it. If anyone actually gave a shit they would see and help.

WTF? Now I know where the term "mansplaining" comes from. Thanks for being a douchebag and reflecting on the rest of us guys who don't have our heads up our asses.

EmDizzle2007 28

leave, get help, or suck it up. this is a real life, and social media isn't gonna help ya, champ.

Send him pic's of you taking a big shit or your used tampons or pads or your husband's hairy asshole he'll love them 🤣

tounces7 27

After reading FML for this long, I have the feeling your husband is a Cuck and wants to watch his friend bang you, and this is how he leads into it.

That seems plausable. The husband's behaviour is rather strange, not even trying to stop the friend. What would make more sense is for OP and her husband to have an honest chat about it. If she wants to go ahead with something like that (no disrespect meant, OP), she should rather find a bull that she is attracted to, not her husband's pervert friend who grosses her out.