'This Is Us' reboot

By Anonymous - 21/01/2023 16:00

Today, my brother-in-law's wife sent me a text venting about her argument with our mother-in-law. She also said said some nasty things about her and I mistakenly shared this info with my “trusted” husband, who immediately told his hot-tempered-momma's girl-IDGAF attitude older sister, who now plans on beating her ass. This is bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 608
You deserved it 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks, but that is why I try to stay out of extended family drama as much as I can. If anyone asks I generally know 2 things: Jack and Shit. You can't always avoid receiving. But never assume it won't spread like wildfire if shared. Best of luck!

The old saying is “One person can keep a secret, two cannot.” … It’s not really wrong that OP shared what was to be a secret with someone she trusted, but it was a mistake to believe husband or whoever is next in the chain wouldn’t share it too.


That sucks, but that is why I try to stay out of extended family drama as much as I can. If anyone asks I generally know 2 things: Jack and Shit. You can't always avoid receiving. But never assume it won't spread like wildfire if shared. Best of luck!

The old saying is “One person can keep a secret, two cannot.” … It’s not really wrong that OP shared what was to be a secret with someone she trusted, but it was a mistake to believe husband or whoever is next in the chain wouldn’t share it too.