By AreYouSerious - 27/08/2009 00:57 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to take a romantic trip to the beach. We got pulled over, and shortly thereafter he was arrested. Just so happens you can't miss child support payments for your twelve year old daughter without getting a warrant. He has a daughter? We've been married for 14 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 816
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. **** your life, also **** the 12 year-old daughter's life for having a deadbeat dad.


Hey, maybe he didn't have an affair. Maybe he donated sperm which got used to impregnate a woman thirteen years ago. Then she sued, and, through some loophole, he became responsible for child support. I'm kidding, your husband is a sack of shit. **** your life.

Wow, an actual FML. The wife got cheated on by a total douchebag, some kid out there has a total douchebag for a dad who wasn't there at all as she grew up, and there's a single mother who has to raise a kid by herself because her douchebag father is a cheating sack of shit (i like that, Intoxicunt). That's three FMLs in one, thanks to some absolute jerkass. Well, at least now the OP is free from her marriage with a cheating douchebag, and the kid and mother will start getting child payments from him after his arrest. Actually, FHL. His wife divorced him, he has to pay all the money, and he's an absolute wanker.

I hate all these ******* Bitching women shut the **** up and get ur asses back in the god dam kitchen. U better apologize to him for writing this fml. ******* bitches think that they're human web everyone knows they're objects.

I pray to god wen he comes out I hope he steals everything u have and flee to Mexico and leave all 3 of ur lives ducked up and broke. ******* ****** Women

AlfaAlfa21 0
deliapearl 0

yup. this is a FYL. time for a DNA test.

#53/54 you need to go to hell. you came from a woman so don't you dare insult them, you piece of shit.

He's so romantic, he has way too much romance in his soul for just one woman.

Screw you for stealing your stepdaughter's money! You were out there blowing the money on lavish beach trips while your poor stepdaughter was wearing ugly clothes and eating Ramen noodles. You might think it is an excuse that you didn't know about her, but it's not! You should be proud of your husband's virility.