By Lenny_R - 08/12/2016 19:53

Today, I got pulled over for having an expired registration. I also found out my husband hasn't been paying for my car insurance. Luckily, I didn't get arrested because I had my baby with me. They towed my car and gave me 2 tickets and a court date. Oh, and the cop sent me a friend request. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 422
You deserved it 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although you got two tickets and your car towed, at least you didn't get arrested. You should maybe have a talk with you husband though.

Pretty sure #7 is talking about accepting the friend request, Ghost


To accept, or not to accept, that is the question...

Although you got two tickets and your car towed, at least you didn't get arrested. You should maybe have a talk with you husband though.

If the cop wanted to have his "friend" ;) request accepted, you'd have gotten a warning instead of two tickets. Tickets only go to semi-MILFs

Well, rather find out this way than when you have an accident and notice you weren't insured.

You should've let the baby drive. The cops never would've caught you.

debbyman13 21

Cop probably wants to see if there's anything else they can get you for when you go to court. Don't do it!

I'm not sure if this is joking or not, but NOT going to court will cause way more trouble than attending would. Seriously, skipping out on a court date is enough to get a warrant out on someone.

Pretty sure #7 is talking about accepting the friend request, Ghost

That would make more sense than how I originally interpreted it. Though, someone sincerely suggestion that a person skipping a court date on this community wouldn't surprise me.

aelarol 5

she meant do not accept the request

I might be reading too much into this, but considering that the husband is not paying insurance the Tag Agency won't let you renew a registration (at least in Florida) either he's broke or slowly cutting ties with her. So the cop figured worth a shot. Back in my days you wanted to get a girls number to hit on her, now it's facebook or instagram.

Wow, that's a big stretch. I mean, maybe the cop is trying to date her, that's not a stretch, but I doubt he's assuming she's heading for divorce because of her insurance situation.

aelarol 5

some states call the renewal sticker on the license plate a tag once he put that in the computer for priors or warrants no turning back

Wow where is this? if a police guy did that here there'd be trouble? he could lose his job

Lose his job for a random friend request? Stiff place.

screen shot it along with tickets and file a complaint.

A friend request? Where does anyone get the idea that is a problem?