By AreYouSerious - 27/08/2009 00:57 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to take a romantic trip to the beach. We got pulled over, and shortly thereafter he was arrested. Just so happens you can't miss child support payments for your twelve year old daughter without getting a warrant. He has a daughter? We've been married for 14 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 816
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. **** your life, also **** the 12 year-old daughter's life for having a deadbeat dad.


Are you asking us if he has a daughter? Why the question? **** I hate people, just get to the ******* point.

AntiChrist7 0

Don't marry a cheating ass. YDI

He was doing a very good job keeping that secret.

moonlight_daze 8

YDI for marrying a douche-bag.

Yeeeeeeeees, cuz she could obviously have known that back then...

Miso_Soupu 0

Go for alimony in the divorce. Make him contribute financially to two lives he wrecked.

crazylady78 0

I'm so sorry! My ex-husband cheated on me after twelve years, I can't even imagine how you feel finding this out. Is there any chance it is a name error? Take your time before you make any decisions, nothing has to be done today. Hugs!

I interpreted this as 'he doesn't have a 12 year old, I'd know after 14 years. What a case of mistaken identity/police idiocy.'

Lol. I met my father when I was 15 for the first time.. He had been paying child support as well though. His wife and two sons had no idea. I don't know why people put up with this- If I found out my husband had a secret child his ass would be out on the street so fast...