By AreYouSerious - 27/08/2009 00:57 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to take a romantic trip to the beach. We got pulled over, and shortly thereafter he was arrested. Just so happens you can't miss child support payments for your twelve year old daughter without getting a warrant. He has a daughter? We've been married for 14 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 816
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. **** your life, also **** the 12 year-old daughter's life for having a deadbeat dad.


Cnote231 0

he sounds like a terrible father.

I don't feel bad for you, but I definitely feel bad for the daughter. your husband should have stayed with his daughters mother, what a bastard.

Amorette 0

He has a 12 year old daughter. You've been married 14 years... That should be the real Issue.

Missiexx18 0

Wow... That is terrible. FYL!

Whoa, talk about deception in the marriage.... FYL, OP. I hope he's your EX husband now.

Pinksinger101 1
XxWolfyGirlXx 16

I only wish my caseworker wasn't so lazy, my father owes 6k or more.