Misery likes company

By Destiny Wells Conner - 11/06/2022 18:00

Today, I told my friends that I got a therapist this past week. Every single one of them told me to quit seeing the therapist, and to just talk to them and do more drugs to feel more numb. I don't think that's the right thing to do, and they're actually arguing with me over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 167
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep up with the therapist, tell your friends to go **** themselves, and just do a moderate amount of cannabis.

Cut those ignorant and insensitive people out your life ASAP. They're seeking to do more harm than good to you, thus not being your real friends. Indeed, do your therapy and maybe discuss this conflict with your therapist and they may even tell you to do what I recommend.


Quit seeing your friends and just talk to your therapist. Or quit drugs and stop doing your friends. Or see your therapist to stop feeling the numb. Also, congrats for getting a therapist and losing the drugs.

Keep up with the therapist, tell your friends to go **** themselves, and just do a moderate amount of cannabis.

Cut those ignorant and insensitive people out your life ASAP. They're seeking to do more harm than good to you, thus not being your real friends. Indeed, do your therapy and maybe discuss this conflict with your therapist and they may even tell you to do what I recommend.

Congrats on going to the therapist, keep up the good work. find a new circle of Friends I understand how difficult this is went through the same thing and trust me I'm so much better off now and way happier!!! 🙂

Dump your therapist and your druggie "friends." Buddy up with the drunks and fix your problems with alcohol. Cheers!

Sonotsuave 35

Yeah that’s some bullshit advice lol, definitely keep up with your therapist, explore healthy outlets like good diet, exercise, journal writing, meditation, etc. & try new social events as you can in order to replace these so called “friends.” The answer is definitely NOT to ignore how you feel or make yourself more numb. Good luck OP

tiptoppc 19

Tell them to start using Delta-8 and chill the **** out. Then do whatever makes YOU happy