By AreYouSerious - 27/08/2009 00:57 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to take a romantic trip to the beach. We got pulled over, and shortly thereafter he was arrested. Just so happens you can't miss child support payments for your twelve year old daughter without getting a warrant. He has a daughter? We've been married for 14 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 816
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. **** your life, also **** the 12 year-old daughter's life for having a deadbeat dad.


jessiebearirene 0

well considering that the child's mother was never married to the husband and the OP and cheating jerk were married before the child's conception, the OP is really not the girl's stepmother. i feel bad for the girl and a good person would help financially since there is a child involved regardless of the circumstances. however, the OP is in no way stealing money from anyone, least of all a kid she knew nothing about.

How can you not know? There are court dates to order the child support. Either you are faking or are very negligent.

People buried this comment, really? You guys, I think your funny bone is fractured. You may need a cast for that.

Hey 89. It's possible that things are run slightly different in other states. Not sure if you are from the same state. We live in PA, but had to deal with the way Maine and Iowa runs things because that's where we were originally from and where my dad was from when the child support things were taken care of. Mom may have gotten letters, but I don't really recall us getting any until I turned 18 and they had to change the child support agreement. It's not hard to hide mail from people. Seeing as she would be considered the step mom, she really doesn't have much say in how everything works out, nor does she technically need to know if the child isn't going to visit. It's really not hard to hide that you have another kid on the side. It depends on how involved the wife is with the household fincances and whether or not she trusts her husband.

KSmindy 0

For all you know he could have never paid child support. The mother of his daughter might not have pressed charges or taken him to court, but the state issued a warrant for his arrest. Don't bash the OP and assume she has her head up her ass when you have no background information.

skullbuster 0

@Ksmindy: Do you hear that, do you, it's your phone ringing - Juan Valdez is calling from his bean plantation in Columbia with a message - Wake up and smell the coffee! You are a woman, aren't you? Because you are suffering from head-up-the-ass syndrome and that mostly afflicts the female population. IT WAS A 12 YEAR OLD KID...if you miss 2-3 payments wages are garnished. If that can't be done due to lack of info, a warrant is issued in most jurisdictions, and the court doesn't let it go for a decade. Certainly not in this day and age. And I really doubt that the baby-mama decided in year 11 of her daughter's life to go after the bum for child support.

WTF, my dad never paid child support and he was never arrested. Course he also doesn't pay taxes and they haven't arrested him for that either.

perfectwinds 0

There are, but he might not have gone or said he was at work. They don't really last THAT long. 3 hours tops, usually. If he didn't go he'd still be responsible, especially if the mom sent papers that he neglected to send back, then it's like saying "I agree."

I hear ya. My dad has never paid a dime so now he owes me 40,000. I wish he would so I can go to college.

OperationNicole_fml 0

It depends on what the mother decides to bring to the attention of the court.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

OH HOT DAMN! THAT IS HIS JAM! There's an perminate solution to this temporaral problem. *Hint, Hint, Nudge, Nudge* Kill the wife and kid. Quick! Run! Don't waste any time! :D

FYL indeed. And people like her soon-to-be-ex-husband can be very adept at hiding things and keeping secrets, even court dates. Perhaps she is a bit oblivious but still, that doesn't mitigate the fact that her husband is a lying, cheating sack of shit. Her only fault is that she trusted him, and I can't blame her too much for that, just hope that she finds someone else worthy of her trust.

I hope you divorce the hell out of him and take all his money for being a cheating scumbag asshole. The bitch he cheated on you with doesn't deserve a dime for being a nasty ***** *****. Don't worry, you'll find someone better than that disgusting douchebag.

I just have to say, that if this story is true (because so many on here are just made up bs) then I feel really bad for the OP. To those who say how could she not know? Easy. My husband takes care of all the finances, and until recently, I wasn't involved at all. Some couples have one person who is the sole financial caretaker. Its not uncommon! If this was the case with OP, then its very believable that she could be clueless as to child support payments. As for court dates, he could say he had a work meeting or whatever and instead go to court. It sounds like she loved and trusted him, so why would she question anything?

He also could have had a separate bank account set up only for child support payments, with the statements and checks going to his work address. Surprisingly, there are many ways something can be hidden if he really didn't want you to know. Sucks though!