Caught in 4K

By ugh - 23/09/2009 19:32 - United States

Today, I found a video camera behind a plant in my bedroom. My husband uses it to video tape himself having sex, with another woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 019
You deserved it 2 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

divorce him .... use the tapes as evidence in court you're likely to get more since he is the scum of the earth

flyboy57 0

tape a **** you I'm leaving video for him!


No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

divorce him .... use the tapes as evidence in court you're likely to get more since he is the scum of the earth

datgo321 0

ur husband isn't very good at hiding things

tape over the video with a gonzilla movie

flyboy57 0

tape a **** you I'm leaving video for him!

KarinaLizeth18 5

and add her having sex with some guy too hahah xD jk don't do that.. that'll only make you look bad too

whats worse, is he probably posts the videos online. google him, haha. well, on the computer.

Arinwyn 0

Maybe he's a private detective trying to help her husband prove she's cheating on him or something Haha, yeah right. FYL.

blackmail blackmail blackmail or divorce his ass

I got an idea for what she can do... "So I creep, yeah keep it on the down low cuz no one is supposed to know So I creep, yeah 'cause he don't know what I do and no attention goes to show, oh" wheres that lyrics guy when you need him?

replace the camera with a tape of u doing his best friend(s)

I'd say that's pretty solid evidence for divorce. PLEASE tell me you got a pre-nup.

TheFlash07 0

That does suck. You should replace the tapes with one of you saying you know what's he's doing!