By AreYouSerious - 27/08/2009 00:57 - United States

Today, my husband and I decided to take a romantic trip to the beach. We got pulled over, and shortly thereafter he was arrested. Just so happens you can't miss child support payments for your twelve year old daughter without getting a warrant. He has a daughter? We've been married for 14 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 816
You deserved it 3 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. **** your life, also **** the 12 year-old daughter's life for having a deadbeat dad.


sorrry I'm sure everyone noticed how I said the same thing twice in different words and it wasn't a reply, just to clear things up my phone doesn't let me reply directly to comments, and my 1st comment I didn't think go through so I commented again, sorry I rearranged the words a little

I was reading the comments here and I couldn't just stay out of it. I had to make an account just to tell almost every last one of you to get your OWN heads out of your asses and realize that mistakes can be made! I saw one comment that sadly got hugely ignored, posing the very real possibility that he regrets the cheating from 12-13 years beforehand and could never get the guts to confess. You're all way to quick to jump on the "KILL HIM DIVORCE HIM END HIM" bandwagon and fail to realize that one incident, even if it can't be justified (which, of course, it can't) doesn't make him a terrible, horrible human being deserving of castration. MISTAKES CAN BE MADE. It's part of being human. You make it sound like he's no better than a crazed murderer or serial rapist. Jeez, people, learn to be less hateful. You'll like yourselves more for it.

annamg 0

Interesting how everybody tries to justify being unfaithful to your spouse - you know, the one you vowed to love, honor, and be true to for life. Keeping infidelity a secret for twelve years is not a "little mistake" that the wife can just "get over."

divorce him he obviously cheated on you

Did I say it was justified? No, I specifically stated in my post that it cannot be justified. What also cannot be justified are these comparisons to Hitler I'm seeing. No, nobody's actually calling him a Nazi, but I think I've heard NICER things about Hitler than about this guy who cheated once. Nobody's giving a damn about his side of the story. Nobody's even CONSIDERED it. They heard the woman's side, and side with the woman. Excuse me for remembering that the husband has a side of the story too and thinking maybe, just maybe, he isn't all bad.

Yes!!! so true... i totally agree with you. he probably just couldnt get the guts together to admit his mistake, and lef the problem to fester and get worse. so true!!! nobodys perfect, and yes this is ****** up but its not the worst thing you could do by far!

II_OJs_glove_II 0

holy crap! if the kid is younger than 14 then you have an even bigger problem!

bellababe9712 0

the OP said for his 12 year old daughter...

skatergirl21 2

That's when u should **** the cop fyl

dzidziaud 5

My father hasn't payed child support for me for 7 years, and we've never managed to get him arrested.

how did u not no where ur money was going that is ur fault keep a better track of ur money supply ydi

Re-read it. It says the husband MISSED the payments for the kid. As in did not make them. Ergo, there was no money going anywhere. In addition, even if he had only recently stopped paying child support, it's quite common for couples and spouses to have separate bank accounts. If the money in his account was what he was using, the wife would never know. Sucks to be you, OP. Just goes to show you never really know anyone.