By Tampax - 30/09/2014 18:46 - Spain - Cuenca

Today, my hand was stung by a wasp. It has resulted in all my fingers being swollen and therefore much bigger than usual. I'm getting married tomorrow and there's no way I can get the ring on my finger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 294
You deserved it 3 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's okay! As emergencies go, yours is pretty easy to deal with. You could put it on a chain and have your significant other put it over your head, maybe? Whatever ends up happening, congratulations on the marriage!


It's okay! As emergencies go, yours is pretty easy to deal with. You could put it on a chain and have your significant other put it over your head, maybe? Whatever ends up happening, congratulations on the marriage!

Or she could put done sort of cream that helps

incoherentrmblr 21

What does Tampax have to do with a wasp sting?...

LuckBeNimble 19

you can reduce swelling of a wasp sting by allowing it to soak in vinegar; this can be done by wrapping cloth soaked in vinegar around the site. perhaps OP wrapped a vinegar-soaked tampon around her finger?

tayymeds 23

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Hiimhaileypotter 52
killerdana 19

That's a lot of time and money down the drain

21, do you have any idea what actually goes into planning a wedding? She can't just reschedule it for next week.

ElementaryEdGuy 18

*Looks at username.* Do you mean STRINGS? No? *Sees self out.*

Medicine is like magic these days. Don't worry.

willow196 9

Yikes, sorry. I'm sure they'll understand though, good luck :)

orbit 22

It's op's wedding, no one needs to understand. As long as op is happy everything's fine.

Go straight to a pharmacy, there must be something to rapidly reduce the swelling. You may have to put the ring on your other hand until you're better. Sorry this happed OP.

I think that some creams do reduce the swelling overnight. Don't worry op, you'll be fine :)

Yeh ask for some medicine or just ice it or tell the priest or whomever about it and I'm sure it'll work out! Good luck bro

#13... don't even say that. it's not a real word. it sound's like a grunt

IKickPuppiesHard 16

what makes a word real? Aren't all words just variations of grunts?

This comment made me very happy for some reason...

You could put it on your other hand, just for now. Or do as someone else said, put the ring on a chain and wear it as a necklace.

My uncle has had this happen to him numerous of times. Take an allergy pill like Benadryl, and keep ice on it, Swelling should go down over night. Congrats on the wedding though!! Hope everything works out

I agree. But if the pill doesn't work, go to your doctor. A steroid should fix it. But this should be a last resort.

Your uncle has been stung on his ring finger the night before his wedding multiple times? What bad luck!