Suspicious minds

By Hugh - 03/04/2021 13:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to explain to a hospital social worker that my young son is not abused, he is just rowdy and that he knocked himself unconscious and shattered 4 teeth in a bizarre stunt involving a tree, my ironing board, a mop bucket and lots of duct tape. I'm not sure the hospital believes me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is your son a former cast member from Jackass?

mccuish 25

Get him to stop watch either jackass or tiktok.


I hope an older sibling was involved

Is your son a former cast member from Jackass?

Ambrily 27

He was probably trying some dumb tiktok challenge.

LMAO knowing today's youth, probably so!

mccuish 25

Get him to stop watch either jackass or tiktok.