By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 09:14 - Australia

Today, my grandpa came over to help paint our house, as we are renovating it. The only paint clothes he decided to wear were his underpants. The neighbours and builders found this quite amusing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 900
You deserved it 2 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like it. The advantage of getting old, u don't give a shit!

At least he had the decency to cover up his war hero.


I like it. The advantage of getting old, u don't give a shit!

This. The older you get, the less you have to care, and the less clothes you have to wear. I can't wait to be old and be a DGAF Chillbro Baggins.

when im old im gonna do shit like this! just because i know ill be able to get away with it

That's hilarious! I bet grandma thought it was sexy, painting in his underwear haha

And you didn't? Please. You should've filmed it, it would've made excellent funeral material.

mintcar 9

So? At least he's willing to help. Painting in underwear sounds pretty comfortable to me.

I find this acceptable. Who wants to get paint all over their clothes? Australia is hot. No one wants to wear painters overalls in that heat. way to go Gramps!

so true. it was 40 degrees (Celsius for the ancients)in NSW yesterday and Australia day is gonna be the same. so why wouldn't you go in some wanna be nut-crushers

At least he had the decency to cover up his war hero.

perdix 29

Is this your FML because it wasn't just the paint that was wet?

whatevermajorlos 0
cjspringsteen 0

It's not your fault! Old people are gross! lol

no old people are funny but could be gross sometimes