By Anonymous - 12/11/2018 12:00

Today, while I was fitting a new fuse box, a giant spider tried to eat my fingers. As I pulled away, I touched the exposed wires. I woke up flat on my back to the customer slapping my face, burnt fingers, and bruises everywhere. I had also peed and shit myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 424
You deserved it 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First rule of working with electricity: TURN IT OFF! Congratulations on being the textbook case of why this is the first rule.

Still alive though, so I'm calling that a win.


Still alive though, so I'm calling that a win.

So, did your customer sympathize with you, or are you a "pussy" who won't be hired by that specific customer again?

First rule of working with electricity: TURN IT OFF! Congratulations on being the textbook case of why this is the first rule.

2shack 7

A red seal electrician is permitted to work on live wires. So no, not a rule.

tounces7 27

They were replacing the box itself. How would they turn the power off? Shut off the whole city?

Kristoffer 35

TBH you should not have been working on live wires. I know electricians do it all the time but you just proved why it's unsafe.

Listerinekiss 8

That is just incredibly shocking. I'm glad you woke up though.

Ohm, my god! Watt a revolting turn of current events. Why were you so amped up to resist hiring a qualified electrician?

While I'm loving these puns, I'm pretty sure OP was the qualified electrician :P

Perhaps, but I'm guessing he's a guy who has been to a Lowe's and watched a few YouTube DIY videos.

onceuponatime456 16

Why the hell was the electricity still on if you were hooking up wires?

They weren’t. OP was replacing the box, hence “fitting the box”, not working with wires, let alone live ones.

That’s actually terrifying. Glad you’re okay!

Well, at least you didn't get bumped into by a spider that was in all likelihood not going to bite you because spider venom is for predation, not defense, and wasting it can get them killed. So, that's a win, right?

You should’ve touched the live wires while letting the spider biting you. SPIDER MAN in real life. Or at least a “wannabe one”