By tazthespaz - 29/12/2016 03:18 - United States - Comstock Park

Today, a telemarketer called my house phone and asked for my grandpa. We were in the middle of having his wake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 193
You deserved it 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Sure" awkwardly puts the phone in his casket*

Death is pretty much the only way to escape annoying advertising. Very sorry to hear about your grandfather . May he Rest In Peace


TweetAnne 13

My condolences op. Telemarketers are the worst. Wish they would just do away with that industry.

Yeah, now is when they start coming out of the woodwork. My mom started getting insane amounts of calls after my dad passed away. These companies are run by scumbags.

Death is pretty much the only way to escape annoying advertising. Very sorry to hear about your grandfather . May he Rest In Peace

Also blocking their number, asking to be put on a "Do Not Call" list, threatening them as a last resort, or not having a house phone. We get so many more calls on the landline than on our cells, but we still keep it as a convenience to contact those without cells at home. We just go ballistic on telemarketers now. ;) they get to a point of rage triggering. They still call about our grandparents who died 11 years ago. Morons.

Something very similar happened to me on the day my grandfather died. Some people are just scumbags.

It would be awesome if your grandpa could personally tell those scumbags to **** right off. My condolences, OP. RIP, OP's Grandpa!

Maybe you could have invited it to the wake.

Burglars often target the home of the recently deceased, as death notices are basically advertising an empty house. They learn of their death in newspapers or something similar and will call up the home before breaking in to make sure that it is empty. Be careful.

I feel sorry for the poor people who are paid to do evil work like that.

"Grandpa can't come to the phone right now. I'm pretty sure Grandma will pass along your message in a couple years."