By GirlishMan1883897 - 24/07/2010 10:53 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because she said I was more of a woman than she was. I yelled out, "I HATE YOU!" and started to cry. She then took a tampon out of her purse, handed it to me, laughed, and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 127
You deserved it 74 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsaykae 0

hahahahahahahhaha man periods.

Emotions suck sometimes, especially when you can't control them. FYL but I understand your pain.


zach55 0

lol so she's obviously not a lesbian.

ur account's name is girlish man -.-

r0ck5t4r 3

no one else thinks his girlfriend is a total bitch?

Maybe you both have problems. she sounds like a complete bitch and you sound like... well a whiny little bitch. she should develop some feelings, you should develop some man skills problem solved

awesomesauce8 0

you kinda proved her right when you screamed I hate you and started to cry. pussy.

my2centsworth 15

dude, I think my daughter dated you!

thizzl3ear 0

ahah she did the right thing to leave your sissy ass