By Loki16 - 02/06/2016 08:40 - United States - New York

Today, my girlfriend helped me apply liquid bandaid over an open wound. Unfortunately, she grabbed the liquid wart remover instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 517
You deserved it 756

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wart remover probably doesn't also double as wound remover. But it was a solid attempt. :D

Oops, but mistakes happen and I hope nothing goes wrong.


Oops, but mistakes happen and I hope nothing goes wrong.

splinteredApple 36

If it's compound w then I can't imagine it felt good.

It would have burned pretty bad, especially on an open wound.. that would hurt.

jentrynicole 20

I hope you were able to wash it off super quick and I hope the wound is okay!

I never understand - how do you accidentally grab the wrong thing? If I'm going near the emergency cabinet at home, I always double-check instructions and the expiration date.

It's this thing called being human. See, humans are creatures that make mistakes sometimes. It's perfectly normal in our culture, but apparently not on whatever perfectionist planet you come from.

way to go overboard. however, my gf tends to grab the wrong things off the shelf at the store all too commonly. literally multiple times a week she comes to me upset because she bought the wrong thing because she didn't look at it. same thing here. and I tell her every week that I have no clue how she still grabs shit without looking first.

it never hurts to take an extra sec or two to read and see you got the right stuff

Wart remover probably doesn't also double as wound remover. But it was a solid attempt. :D

I hope you at least have a pain kink or something OP, because otherwise that's a whole lot of pain and no gain! Either way FYL.

Sounds awful. And I'd like to watch.

Before or after your brother bodyslammed you?