By inseriouspain - 22/08/2010 21:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Snow - 07/02/2009 20:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/09/2010 14:45 - Malaysia
By blanknameisblank - 09/06/2014 19:36 - United States - Fayetteville
By Iswearihavegoodhygiene - 04/11/2018 05:00
By Loki16 - 02/06/2016 08:40 - United States - New York
By idontlikebitter - 08/03/2016 21:10 - Switzerland - Klingnau
By Anonymous - 30/06/2011 17:30 - United States
Too many to count
By pagvscgrac - 13/03/2012 04:03 - United States
By bleeding - 06/12/2009 01:24 - United States
By The Cat Tickler - 13/09/2018 15:00
Top comments
thats why you shouldn't pop zits. I see a debate coming up that it's a pimple and not a zit.
ew grosss. I hate acne! clearisel works good for me though! :) next time, read the label.
Who cares you big baby, aren't they both supposed to sting?
Maybe nail polish remover can actually work well for zits!
#11, whats the difference between soccer and football, ams still everyone tries to argue which is the real way to spell it. same to mum and mom.
I don't get the FML. her face stung for a second! Someone call the Waaaaaaambulance!
you grabbed the wrong bottle so it hurt
Maybe it actually works 0.o
Lol 29- obviously it's mom because it's not spelt "muther" and the football soccer analogy doesn't really answer the question xD
1-800-Whambulance, shall I dial for you?
I don't see what the big deal is..? Fyl fersure. not.
The op put nail polish remover on a popped zit on accident
exfoliate more.
Well, you removed some nail polish off your zit!
ha there actually is a "correct" way to pop them; wrap two fingers in tissues and gently pressure til all the pus comes put, then put some astringent and neosporin on, to disinfect and prevent scarring. that is today's FML FunFact.
This same thing happened here about two months ago. By here I mean posted.
maybe the switching of products is a very common thing? I grabbed peroxide lens cleaner instead of my contact fluid, not once, but twice. :)
80: You look like Peter's wife on White Collar.
go on YouTube and watch: the worlds largest pimple!!
Wow okay. I hate commenting on these things, but you are such a ******* idiot that I had to say something. I don't even know how to express the things that I am thinking into words because I am so baffled by your ignorance. People like you need to be slaughtered and fed to starving children in third world countries. You disgust me. And rectum wanker doesn't even make since as an insult read a ******* dictionary.
94, who you talking to?
what happened to skroal?
I was aiming towards RTRbryant. How am I a hypocrite? Please explain?
well actually u can pop a pimple but only when they have a head on them
86, is that baddd?
111: it's always a good thing if you look like an actress
well actually u can pop a pimple but only when they have a head on them
Everyone will hate Bieber when she admits to wanting a landing strip. And eminem will be right: "Your pussy lyric, I **** hear it." :)
Maybe it was an accident?
94/104: Technically, your comment should start with "Wow, OK," or "Wow, OK." It should end with "insult; read a... " or "insult. Read a... ". Also, the part in the middle about expressing your thoughts as words could be much more clearly stated. Finally, a good writer would be sure to direct the entire insult to someone specific. Without a number or name reference, the person you're intending to insult won't even know he or she is being insulted. I'm guessing that's why you were called a hypocrite. For the record, I wouldn't have commented on this if you hadn't asked for an explanation. This isn't a particularly noteworthy example of "the pot calling the kettle black", IMO; there are certainly better examples of that in other comments.
Well. Yes, I was having trouble expressing myself properly. I tried to explain that I couldn't exactly find a way to say what I wanted to get out. I don't think that I sounded anywhere as stupid as the guy who says you can die from putting fingernail polish on a pimple and going around calling people rectum wankers.
88, that's disgusting!!!!
oo that sucks!
missjonas, Skroal has been banned. we should be seeing him in about a week unless it was perm.
you sir are gay
lol i didn't need to no that but ok :)
Dude, ever heard of something called American and British English? Soccer -> American English. Football -> British English. It's easy. Really.
what humor? seeing as no one has liked ur comments or replied positively to them I'm pretty sure NO ONE thought it was funny.. rather quite annoying and stupid.
Makes me sick dude!
Love ur pic;)
Your stupid as ****
did it work? o.o
??? I don't get it
Nail polish remover+hole in skin=OUCH
Nail polish remover has alcohol in it.
on the plus side probably wont come up again :P
I bet that stung! haha. sucks to be youu.
I've done that. I feel your pain!
You've mistaken nail polish remover for acne medicine and put it on your zit?? Wtf? This FML is weird enough as it is, now someone else did it first?
Well not that completely, i went to use my make up remover and mistook it for my nail varnish remover! I'm a fail, I know haha!
so much random shit women have to deal with. Toothbrush, shampoo/bodywash, ninja outfit. Thats it
that mustve hurt terribly!!!
Nahh, it was like sex in a bottle.
I don know what sex in a bottle feels like so.....yeaa
123: Astroglide. It feels like Astroglide. ;)
I hope this nail stuff altered your dna to ensure any future spawn neither has zits or down.
ha there actually is a "correct" way to pop them; wrap two fingers in tissues and gently pressure til all the pus comes put, then put some astringent and neosporin on, to disinfect and prevent scarring. that is today's FML FunFact.
5, what's the difference?