By Anonymous - 28/02/2016 15:57 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend dumped me because I've recently become serious about getting fit, and have lost nearly 84 pounds. Apparently, when I was fat, I made her look smaller in comparison. When I got slimmer, she insisted I either gain the weight back or she'd leave. So she did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 434
You deserved it 1 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ColCyclone 17

she did you a favor. Can't imagine the relationship would have been great anyway with her personality

Look, if she was only with you to feel better about herself, it's much better this way.


Good riddance to her. Congrats on your weight loss!

Congrats on such a huge accomplishment OP! Be proud..

84 pounds = 38 Kgs (for those who want to know) indeed well done man!

thanks, I'm European & always feel lost when I read about pounds

Congratulations on losing 84 pounds of fat and 130+ pounds of dead weight (depending on how much your ex weighed).

mads_nicole 19

I can't say fyl because this obviously worked out for the better then. You do you op!

Nice job on getting healthy! Also, you don't need someone who wants to keep you down to make them feel good. That's such a bullshit thing to do.

You're better if without her. She sounds shallow.

Steve97 32

Good let the fat bitch go. With the way you look after losing weight you can get way better girls to like you. She did you a favor op.

20...not only is the ex's weight irrelevant to how shitty of a person she is, but a lot of the kind of girls who'd only like OP after he lost weight (the ones who're in it for looks, not compatible lifestyles) are also just the flip side of the kind of girl who only liked OP before he lost weight. Shallow people are shitty - someone who loves you should be there for YOU, not your body fat percentage.

A girl with that much insecurity isn't good to be with anyways....