By blarghhhh - 28/02/2016 14:58 - United States - Owosso

Today, I woke up with the flu. My wife thinks I'm faking it so we don't have to go on date night, even though I've been on the toilet all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 055
You deserved it 1 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Unless you have a habit of faking illnesses or cancelling dates for bogus reasons, it was kinda asshole-ish of him not to trust you. And even then, if you are crying and begging for the hospital, refusing is potentially putting your health at risk due to his own anger. I'm glad he is taking care of you now though...he better have apologized! Anyways, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Appendicitis seriously sucks! xD


Invite her into the restroom with you next time.

CheekyRaccoon 27

Yeah, that's the spirit. Light some candles, throw down some rose petals and play some Kenny G, it'll be fully sick.

andrmac 25
KhaleesiDannie 26

I'm sorry that happened OP you think she'd be more sympathetic something similar happened to me and my husband for our anniversary I hope you get better

Ashd09 30
KhaleesiDannie 26

Nah don't care enough over the Internet to be happy I at least spell things correctly most of the time

FYL, OP. I hate it when people think that you're faking it, although you probably aren't. I agree with everyone else, so far.

nightstalker94 18

That's what I call a sticky situation

Wow. Unless you have a habit of faking illnesses or cancelling dates for bogus reasons, it was kinda asshole-ish of him not to trust you. And even then, if you are crying and begging for the hospital, refusing is potentially putting your health at risk due to his own anger. I'm glad he is taking care of you now though...he better have apologized! Anyways, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. Appendicitis seriously sucks! xD

HelloKiittyy 22

Tell her you'll make it up to her! And try your best to make it very special