By daddy-o - 14/03/2012 07:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 20 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenangelexy 13

Don't be silly wrap your willy!

I want to know if this is just your cute way of writing, or if she's really too dumb to realize that she's pregnant.


cajekraze 7

I don't normally condone this, but you should get her plan B. Stupid people should not breed

You're so thoughtful OP! Now hopefully you can cope with the long term effects of this "illness" you cured!

Wow. I seriously don't understand how almost all of you are assuming he didn't use protection. Did he say he didn't? We dont know. Condoms can fail you know....

If you weren't using any kind of birth control, I have no sympathy. If you were, bummer! Sorry for the rude awakening OP

pinkpixie06 11

Hopefully, after you meet the little one, you'll find that having a baby isn't the end of your's the most wonderful beginning!

Smokohauntas 3

Don't make a mini-me, get a vasectomy.

fioirene 4

Wow u must be happy to be a daddy!!! And u didn't "curve her" u just forgot to put a condom on....

You're right, he didn't curve her. He "cured" her.