By radiationkillz - 21/03/2011 04:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend bought several bottles of Potassium Iodine pills and a gas mask, due to the radiation scare from Japan. We live in Texas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 271
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no offense but ur gf may be a retard

I hope your gf is hella hot to make up how dumb she is.


Cutebabysignut 0

Your the retard. It says that california will get radiation in a week and new york in a month. So you will get it in about two weeks.

she has more intelligence then the rest if you *****... the sheep are waking up...

Sounds like you got hit pretty hard by radiation.

FireNinja 3

look, does any one know what happens during a meltdown ? guess not sence your saying she's a dumbass for buying that stuff. during s meltdown, the stuff from the reactor goes through the earth into the core. this meltdown isn't just effecting Japan people. IT EFFECTS THE ENTIRE world! she's right to be paranoid. and op, you deserve it , it sounds like she's smarter then you when it comes down to it.

Are you serious? You can't be serious. The "stuff" from the reacotr goes into the earth's core?? Dude, the problem with a 'melt down' has nothing to do with the Earth's core, it would be fine in the core. The problem is it hitting the water table... which while terrible is a local problem.

ideasrule 13

If the containment breaks, radioactive material would also get into the atmosphere and be carried by the trade winds around the world. Of course, the concentration of this material will be so low as to be negligible in the US.

You're a dumbass you don't know what the **** you're talking about you so self-absorbed that on a you make everything have to do with you just shut your stupid ******* mouth and don't breed.

Geometric 18

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, do some actual research on the topic before spouting pseudo-science.

There are ignorant people living throughout this world. Not just in the US and not just in Texas. I am so sick of these stereotypes! I will admit that those overzealous, patriotic USoffreakinA ignorant types, who believe no other country in the world matters, do exists. But PLEASE do not assume EVERY American is like that.

tbonea1990 0
nonameheroes 0

lol....iodine pills wont do anything...she might as swell swallow salt. its iodide pills you want, and even then it only protects your thyroid...what a dumb gf you have...fyl indeed