By radiationkillz - 21/03/2011 04:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend bought several bottles of Potassium Iodine pills and a gas mask, due to the radiation scare from Japan. We live in Texas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 271
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no offense but ur gf may be a retard

I hope your gf is hella hot to make up how dumb she is.


Constipation; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; headache; muscle aches; nausea; pain, swelling, or redness at the injection site; stomach upset; vomiting. these are just some of the common effects u dont even wanna see the server ones. have fun in the next few days op :)

You don't even need in-depth knowledge of radioactivity to know a leak at a nuclear plant will have any negative effect over here. If the two nuclear bombs in WWII had negligible effect here, then a leaky nuclear reactor is harmless here. Your girlfriend deserves it for watching Fox news and being caught up in the scare tactics.

I thought it was Potassium Iodide? Maybe she is retarded.

okay, there are people trying to go in and prevent that from happening, and it's because of people like you ******* moronic girlfriend that they can't, the potassium iodide that these people need are now on back order because too many dumb bitches are ordering it, tell her to go return them or send em to china where the people there actually need them. oh by the way..tell her to put on her gasmask because there's oxygen in the air and it might kill her ******* moron

KylesGirl52 0

Um have you ever heard of stupid? 1. U.S,we are way to far away. 2. They said iodine pills don't work. and 3. A gas mask, will not stop radiation from penetrating the body. Der-Da-Der.

you should be angry that your retarded friend didn't buy you a gas mask

jeezus think about the people in REAL danger.

menm0i 0

Woah what a retard and inconsiderate loser. Iodine supplies are in demand for people who acturally need them!! duh!

congratulations, youre dating a self-centered bitch. it takes a really special kind of person to see a tragedy unfold in another country and immediately worry about yourself, despite being hundreds of miles away and completely safe. tell her to donate that shit to japan.