By radiationkillz - 21/03/2011 04:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend bought several bottles of Potassium Iodine pills and a gas mask, due to the radiation scare from Japan. We live in Texas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 271
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no offense but ur gf may be a retard

I hope your gf is hella hot to make up how dumb she is.


styphon 5

what's a GAS mask do for radiation?

Your girlfriend's an idiot, congratulations. Oh, iodine pills need to be taken within 3 hours of exposure, and have pretty nasty side effects. Have fun!

agentxyv 0

Don't you mean ex-girlfriend!!!

lol I modded this because I thought your gf was an idiot. Wanted to see everyone else's opinion.

Yeah this us pretty dumb. I'm in Japan right now and no one is really freaking out.

yeh the Japanese are always very calm about this sort of stuff, when the atomic bomb hit the trains were running the next day.

ashlaybaby1 0

ohmg are u kidding me ? is she blonde? lol

That is as unfunny as those sexist sammich jokes.

lol your gf is one dumb bitch... do us all a favor don't just dump her please kill her :D

violence is never the answer, except when it comes to kittens.

sweetiffany 0

Did you at least comfort her and tell her that she's going to be safe? Don't forget to check her closet so she knows there are no monsters too!

all I can really say is better safe then sorry. I guess it's always great to be prepared in any situation.