By Anonymous - 27/05/2019 10:00

Today, I pretended to have a heart attack so my baby sister would know when to call 911. When I fell down and started to pretend, she drank my soda instead of helping me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 896
You deserved it 1 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You mean you're trying to teach her that calling the ambulance isn't actually important because you're just playing anyway. Or trying to waste emergency services time on fake emergencies.

You know that kids play dead/dying for fun, right? Because they're incapable of understanding the concept of death and its consequences. If you wanna create an emergency, pretend to get hurt. That's alarm. But also, don't do that, because alarm fatigue is a thing and scaring your sister just to test rate her performance is not gonna play out well in the long run.


She’ll let you die for your soda? Be careful when you eat a Klondike Bar around her — she might kill you for that!

You mean you're trying to teach her that calling the ambulance isn't actually important because you're just playing anyway. Or trying to waste emergency services time on fake emergencies.

You know that kids play dead/dying for fun, right? Because they're incapable of understanding the concept of death and its consequences. If you wanna create an emergency, pretend to get hurt. That's alarm. But also, don't do that, because alarm fatigue is a thing and scaring your sister just to test rate her performance is not gonna play out well in the long run.

If it were real, she would have seen the sweat, the vomiting, and all of the other physical signs instead of it just looking like play. Maybe then she would have at least checked on you. Maybe not. Soda is tasty to a kid. What would you have done had she called 911. They have to send someone out to check anyway. And since you prompted the call with your actions, you would be responsible. In many areas, that’s not just a fine.

bobsanction 18

What did you expect to happen? Babies are idiots.

have you heard of the boy who cried wolf?