By radiationkillz - 21/03/2011 04:25 - United States

Today, my girlfriend bought several bottles of Potassium Iodine pills and a gas mask, due to the radiation scare from Japan. We live in Texas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 271
You deserved it 7 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

no offense but ur gf may be a retard

I hope your gf is hella hot to make up how dumb she is.


pinklady72191 4

I work in news in Japan, less than 30 miles from tokyo, and people who do dumb crap like that, tell all their equally stupid friends, which causes everyone else to freak out with them. Your girlfriend is stupid, find a new one.

wow, what an idiot! she sounds way too obsessive.

Iodine pills are only good for protecting the Thyroid gland in the neck and thats pretty much it. It already has severe side affects so massive consumption is just gonna make it worse.

Lol even my mom was worried the radiation might come to Florida :P

JetRyan 0

u guys don't hav anything 2 worry about. the radiation won't hit there and if it does it will be unharmful.

people buying up all of that is why people in japan are facing shortages! they actually need it and they don't have it because people in the u.s. keep buying it up